‘Dhoom’ actress Esha Deol revealed yesterday that she is expecting for the second time. The actress shared the good news by posting an adorable picture of her cute little daughter Radhya. Esha, who is married to businessman Bharat Takhtani, had welcomed her first child in 2017.
Two years later, the couple had a visit from the stork again and their happiness knew no boundaries. Talking about her second pregnancy, Esha told Mumbai Mirror that since she (as well as her husband Bharat) grew up with siblings, they wanted their daughter to experience the same fun.
Sharing their parent’s reaction to the good news, Esha said, “All the four grandparents are excited. For them, the more the merrier.” Esha’s parents Hema Malini and Dharmendra must be on cloud nine after learning about their daughter’s second pregnancy.
Esha also revealed that unlike the last time, she along with hubby Bharat won’t be going for a babymoon. Since now, they can’t go anywhere without their daughter Radhya.
Here’s a picture of Esha with daughter Radhya and hubby Bharat
Esha and Bharat were great friends before they decided to take the plunge. They got married in the year 2012 after dating for several years.
Keep watching this space for more such interesting updates.
Also Read: Esha Deol is all set to welcome a new member in her family, view post
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