This month marked 10 years of Arjun Kapoor in showbiz as his debut film Ishaqzaade completed a decade. The film hit the screens on May 11, 2012 and made Arjun an instant star. The actor received rave reviews for his performance as Parma, a spoilt brat from an influential political family in a small town in UP and his chemistry with Parineeti Chopra was lauded. Instantly people knew that a star was born and in this one decade, he proved them right. But as it turns out, Arjun Kapoor had some different plans before getting into acting with Ishaqzaade and as Bollywood Bubble got into an exclusive conversation with him to celebrate his 10 years in showbiz, he revealed those plans.
Arjun was signed on by Yash Raj Films as their talent and originally, he was supposed to make his debut with a film called Virus Diwan, which was announced under Y Films but was later shelved. He eventually made his debut with Ishaqzaade and the rest is history. As he was asked about his journey between the day he decided to become an actor to the day he actually got his first call of acceptance, the actor got candid and nostalgic. He shared, “I didn’t get a call, I had to audition. But the hard work started much before getting the call.”
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He went on to revisit his early days. “Today it sounds hard to believe, but 10 years back it wasn’t like I was a known quantity for being someone’s son. I was very unknown. Because of the social media today, people are aware of many kids born in the film industry even before they take their first steps. I was a little away so I had the opportunity to live a little normalised life. The decision to become an actor made me want to lose weight and that took 3-4 years. I worked on myself independently and primarily and I definitely believed that if I lose the weight, I could give myself a chance. I wanted to be a filmmaker but then I decided this is what I want to pursue,” he revealed.
Arjun’s original plan to be a filmmaker might not have worked out but the actor did prove his mettle as an actor over these 10 years. From playing diverse roles to backing unique projects, he has done it all and continues to do better work. Currently, he is in a great phase of his career and has some interesting projects in the pipeline including, The Ladykiller, Ek Villain Returns and Kuttey.
Watch the entire interview with Arjun Kapoor here: