Late actor Irrfan Khan and Sutapa Sikdar’s son Babil Khan is all set to begin his journey in the world of entertainment. He will be seen in Anvita Dutt’s directorial Qala. It also features actresses Tripti Dimri and Swastika Mukherjee in pivotal roles and is all about a relationship between a singer and her mother. Qala is produced by Karnesh Sharma’s Clean Slate Films and will release on Netflix on December 1.
But not many know that Babil Khan had begun his journey in the world of films quite early. He played a small part in father Irrfan Khan’s film Qarib Qarib Singlle. In an exclusive chat with us, Babil Khan opened up on his first role and how his father Irrfan Khan pushed him into it.
Speaking to Bollywood Bubble host, Babil Khan said, “Men. Oh My God, okay okay so if you want to know about my debut then here I was a camera intern and the extras did not show up. The guy’s who were to play the character did not show up. Then Baba just pushed me forward. ‘This is your chance to go, just go’, he said. I was like, ‘what I can’t go’.
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He further added, “If you see at the start of the film there is a guy waiting on a bike and there is a girl buying condoms at the campus that’s me, okay this is the footage it’s like a four-second one and then it’s gone. But Baba went to the edit table just to watch the shot. He is all praise for him saying, Babil you are looking like Brando. I said Baba, I am there just for 3 seconds but he was insisting that in those 3 seconds you look like Brando“.
Watch the entire conversation with Babil Khan here:
Irrfan Khan passed away in April 2020 after a two-year-long battle with a neuroendocrine tumour. He is survived by his wife Sutapa Sikdar and sons Babil Khan and Ayaan Khan.
On the work front, Babil Khan is gearing up for his acting debut in the Netflix film Qala. The star kid also has a film with Shootjit Sircar.