Kajol has led quite an illustrious film career in Bollywood for the last three decades. Ever since she made her debut in 1992 with Bekhudi, with every project she has just mesmerised her audience more and more. Even today, whenever she appears on screen, she just lights it up and owns every frame that she is in.
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The actress went on to get married to Ajay Devgn, who is also a big superstar of the Hindi film industry. Kajol and Ajay have two kids together, daughter Nysa Devgn and son Yug.
Recently, the actress got into an exclusive conversation with Bollywood Bubble and when asked that with the love and adulation she and Ajay receive from the audience, if she would want Nysa or Yug to continue that legacy, she responded, “As for my children, I think that I will support them in whatever they want to do. Jo bhi karna hai unko as long as khush rahein. As long as they are happy and fulfilled. I think my biggest job as a mother is not to guide them into the film industry but guide them into whatever makes them happy, make them productive members of the society.”
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While both Nysa and Yug have always been media darlings, for a while now, there has been quite an anticipation around Nysa’s Bollywood plans. When Kajol was asked about what her daughter has been thinking, she had a very honest answer. She insisted, “I think Nysa is somebody who will make that decision for herself. Like I said, I am not pushing her away from it, I am not pushing her towards it, it’s something she will do for herself. She is 18 years old, she is a grown up woman, young lady.”
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With the talent in her genes already, Nysa has quite high expectations riding on her if she decides to make a career in films as an actress. But with two such great teachers behind her, she is indeed destined for greatness if she chooses to take that path.
Check out the entire conversation with Kajol here: