Kiara Advani has been on a roll of late. After basking in the success of her recent release Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 with Kartik Aaryan. She is garnering love from fans for her family drama Jug Jugg Jeeyo co-starring Varun Dhawan, Anil Kapoor and Neetu Kapoor in pivotal roles. From making her debut with the 2014 release Fugly to JugJugg Jeeyo, Kiara has certainly come a long way. In her career of around eight years, Kiara has proved her mettle as a versatile actress.
Kiara Advani is carving her path to superstardom and also making her mark with a run of successful films in her kitty. Her recent release Jug Jugg Jeeyo has proved that she is unstoppable.
In a recent conversation with Bollywood Bubble host Nayandeep Rakshit, Kiara Advani has candidly responded to a fan’s question on what else is left for her to do?
She said, “I have understood the question that what is it that I want to do. Anil Sir I think i should answer so that I manifest it. I want to do an action film, work in a Sanjay Leela Bhansali film, I also want to do a period film and there are many more things I still want to do.”
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Kiara Advani added, “If anybody is watching then my dates are available and I am longing to all these films. I will make those dates happen.”
Check out the full conversation here:
JugJugg Jeeyo is doing great business at the box office. In 3 days, Varun and Kiara starrer crossed Rs 60 crores mark at the worldwide box office. JugJugg Jeeyo is directed by Raj Mehta and produced by Dharma Productions and Viacom 18 Studios.
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