Neha Sharma has been in the Hindi film industry for over a decade, and through the years, she has had quite an adventurous journey. She has been a part of some amazing successes like Padmaavat, but she has also seen some lows as well. Through all this, if there is one person who has always stood by her is her sister Aisha Sharma. Recently, the sister duo indulged in an exclusive conversation with Bollywood Bubble for our segment Dear Buddy, and the two opened up on their bond, while sharing many secrets.
The sisters shed some light on each other’s love lives as well and the influence the other one has on theirs. While talking about Aisha’s opinion on her love life, Neha Sharma said, “Aisha has an opinion about everything.” The younger sister agreed on that as she chuckled, “Yes, I have an opinion about everything, about men for sure. We have such different tastes and it is a lot of fun.”
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When asked if she has ever disliked anyone Neha has dated, Aisha answered in the affirmative saying, “Can I be honest? I do feel, this is not a bias thing, if you ask the men in the country, I feel that Neha is so smoking hot, she deserves the best. I always feel that Neha you deserve someone like a Timothee Chalamet walking in and Neha deserves someone like that.”
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Butting in between, a blushing Neha said, “I feel like my sister is biased guys, before anyone judges me. She is too nice to me.” Aisha further added, “I feel that Neha should date someone who is just like my version in a male form. I feel like she should date an Aisha in the male form.”
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However, Neha admitted that even though her sister didn’t like some of the guys she dated, she never stopped being with them because of that. “It’s ridiculous if you do that.” When Neha was asked if she has similar opinions on Aisha’s love life, the actress said, “I might have, but I am never heard. So, it doesn’t matter.” Aisha butted in saying, “I don’t give her the room. I don’t take her opinions seriously. I am the bossy one right.”
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Neha and Aisha indeed show that more than sisters, they are best friends and no matter what, they are always there for each other. While Neha has forged her own path in the industry, it would be interesting to see how Aisha makes her mark in cinema.
Check out the entire conversation of Dear Buddy with Neha and Aisha here: