Nupur Sanon recently returned with Akshay Kumar in Filhaal 2. Their chemistry in the first part of the song was much appreciated and in a candid chat, Nupur opens up on her journey.
Nupur, who is Kriti Sanon’s sister, also spoke on nepotism and told us what she thinks about the subject. The young actress said that Kriti guides her just like any other elder sibling would.
Sharing how people point out to her whenever she posts picture with Kriti, Nupur said, “Kriti has helped me a lot. A lot of people have told me, ‘You put out so many pictures (on social media) with Kriti that’s why this whole nepotism thing comes out.’ And they used to say the same thing to Kriti as well. And we were like ‘Even if Kriti was not in this industry or I was not a part of it, don’t you normally put pictures with your siblings? and aren’t you close with them?’ So we both were like, ‘We are not going to live our lives according to what people expect’.”
Revealing how Kriti as a sibling has always guided her, Nupur said, “So I have got a lot of help from Kriti in terms of guidance, in terms of not making the same mistakes that she has done. In terms of knowing how to go to a certain producer and talk in a certain way and may be not say certain things as may be she might have ticked off someone. And everyone else’s siblings guide them in these ways. She is making her own journey and I am very proud of her. She is making her own mark.”
You can watch the entire conversation with Nupur below:
She signed off by saying, “So I feel that I just need to keep working and making my own journey because I know, like we are sisters, there are so many things that we share in common in terms of our value system, or morals and a lot of other things. But there are so many things in which we have very different thought process. And I feel people should respect that. I know in my heart what work I am doing and I think that’s what matters the most. “
Also Read: EXCLUSIVE: Nupur Sanon FINALLY responds to comparisons being made with sister Kriti Sanon