Padmavati pictures

So, we just came across a number of reports that suggested, Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s ‘Padmaavat’ was set to release on 24th of January instead of 25th January.

However, when we got in touch with Viacom18 Motion Pictures, they denied the news and emphasised that the worldwide release of the film would very much happen on 25th itself and that there’s no change in that.


However, on 24th January in the evening, paid previews will be kept across theatres. Looks like the makers are confident about the content and want to generate positive word of mouth before the film sees the light of theatres.

As a number of publications go on to mislead the readers by terming paid previews as a change of release date, let us tell you that a paid preview is a screening that happens once before release, usually the evening before. Till a couple of years back, they were a usual practice in Bollywood.

We also got in touch with Manoj Desai, the owner of G7 multiplex, who confirmed that paid previews were there and were likely to take place at 9.30 pm in the night.