Bollywood hearthrob Ranbir Kapoor is one of the most talented and successful actors of the present era. The dashing star is currently busy promoting his upcoming film Shamshera. Before the film’s release, Ranbir sat down for an exclusive interview with Bollywood Bubble and opened up on many things one of them being his bond with co-star Vaani Kapoor. He also pulled her legs for expecting a wedding invite from him.
In an exclusive chat with us, while promoting his upcoming film Shamshera, Ranbir Kapoor said,”I think it was natural, just the first day we met only it was like our energies are quite similar you know. She’s actually quite a committed actor I didn’t really expect that from her you know in the first few days uh uh during shoot when we started. She was just like you know with horse blinders sitting with her music. She has a playlist for every mood and she was just lost in that you know. There were many times I used to wait for her to take out those headphones so that I can make some conversation and you know do some time pass.”
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Ranbir Kapoor added, “We’ve also tried to pull her leg a lot but and she’s a good sport. She you know lets you pull her leg and she doesn’t feel bad about it. But she’s a very good sport and she’s a very committed actor.”
He also pulled her leg for expecting a wedding invite from him. He said, I just found out that she was sad that she wasn’t invited. But what surprised me is that you expected that I will call you. You are much closer to Alia’s side. But it was just an intimate wedding with just family that’s it.”
Watch the full interview of Ranbir Kapoor, Vaani Kapoor here: