Tripti Dimri marked her Bollywood debut with Poster Boys and went on to win the audience with her acting chops. The actress has created a niche for herself in the world of entertainment all due to her hard work and perseverance. Tripti gained fame with Bulbbul on Netflix and received recognition and appreciation for it, She also bagged a Filmfare for the horror film. The actress is currently gearing up for the release of her next Qala.
The movie also marks the debut of late actor Irrfan Khan’s talented son Babil Khan. Qala will stream on Netflix from December 1. Ahead of its release, the actors are busy promoting the movie on major platforms. Amid their busy schedule, they sat down with us for an exclusive chat and opened up on many things one of them being how life changed for Tripti post the success of Bulbbul.
Speaking to us Tripti said, “Definitely there is a change, people who never took me seriously earlier have taken me seriously now. I you know luckily have been getting a lot of good opportunities which is great as far as acting is concerned. I think you know that every project is there to teach you something or the other. This whole experience of doing a film with Anvita and the entire cast and crew
Of Bulbbul has taught me the importance of having good people around you and a support system around you which is so important.”
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She added, “Because sometimes you know you can really feel lost in this. Therefore it’s important to have people around you who keep you grounded. As it is so easy for us you know and some success can get to you it can really get to you but I’m really fortunate that I have these people and my friends. I think acting wise I don’t think used to take actions so seriously earlier because I didn’t know a lot of
things. I was still figuring out my life I was still figuring out whether I know this was something that I can do or not do. Whether this is something that I would be able to do for life? I was still confused in my head but I think after Bulbbul I kind of gained confidence in myself and I found answers to some of the questions that I had for myself.”
Qala features Tripti Dimri, Swastika Mukherjee and Babil Khan in pivotal roles. Produced by Karnesh Sharma’s Clean Slate Films it will release on Netflix on December 1.
Watch the entire conversation with Qala stars Babil Khan and Tripti Dimri here: