Actress Priyanka Chopra after conquering Bollywood has set her eyes on Hollywood. The actress, who has made a mark in the West with her TV show ‘Quantico’, made her grand Hollywood debut with ‘Baywatch’ alongside top actors from Hollywood including Dwayne Johnson, Zack Efron, Alexandra Daddario and others. But looks like the road towards conquering Hollywood is not so easy.(Also Read: Priyanka Chopra’s latest fashion outing will give you a GOODNIGHT SLEEP for sure!)
Priyanka Chopra’s debut movie in Hollywood ‘Baywatch’ is nominated in the categories of worst picture, worst remake and worst screenplay at the Razzie Awards. Well, that’s a shame. Despite it being a star-studded movie, it fared averagely at the global box office and received criticism for its storyline . However, Priyanka, who played a negative role in the film, was praised for her performance.
Well, Priyanka has made a mark in the television industry in the West, but it looks like she has to wait for a while to make it big in Hollywood. However, we are sure that PeeCee will bounce back with her next venture and surprise us like always, with something unusual.
On the work front, Priyanka is currently shooting for season 3 of her show ‘Quantico’ in New York.