Aamir Khan’s brother, Faissal Khan is making his directorial debut with action-thriller ‘Faactory’. Earlier, Sharique Minhaj was signed to direct the movie but due to date issues, he couldn’t continue. On this Faissal Khan told us, “He was directing the film but was not able to give time to the project and I am a very serious worker. He came on the shoot also. In fact, when shooting for the first two-three days was completed, I said that my vision is going somewhere else and I got too much involved in it as a director. He had no time and couldn’t even come to the auditions and I was taking auditions. I was buying properties and was involved in everything from writing to costumes. I was looking after everything, so it’s my baby actually.”
He continued, “Sharique Minhaj was busy with other projects. I said I can’t work like this. I told my producers that either I leave the movie or I will direct it because I have remained assistant directors. I entered the industry as an assistant director and had assisted in three films, so I know the entire process. As I have come from a filmy background, I know what goes in filmmaking and what not. So, I was quite upset with Sharique bhai’s behaviour and the thing that he couldn’t deliver what I wanted. I did workshops and rehearsals with the actors at my home and Sharique bhai didn’t come. Then producers ask me to take the project and I told Sharique bhai about it. I told him both our visions that are different. He gracefully agreed to back out. Then I was signed as the director.”
You can watch the interview here.
Apart from Faissal Khan, ‘Faactory’ also stars Roaleey Ryan, Raj Kumar Kanojya, Ribbhu Mehra and Sharad Singh. It will be releasing on an OTT platform.
Also Read: Faissal Khan: I don’t like being referred to as Aamir Khan’s brother