Recently, Neha Kakkar found herself stuck in an awkward and shocking situation on the sets of ‘Indian Idol 11’. The situation was during the Indian Idol auditions when a fan came to audition and went on to kiss her on stage. The singer was taken aback and startled at the fans doing.
When the Indian Idol auditions were going on, a fan came up to the stage and presented Neha Kakkar with a lot of gifts. To which Neha thanked him and went in for a casual hug. But, the fan hugged her tightly and took advantage of the situation and kissed Neha too. This has created quite the storm on the internet and people were even asking to call the police on the man.
Recently, the host of Indian Idol 11, Aditya Narayan opened up about his thoughts on the situation. According to a report by Times Of India, he said, “It was shocking. You don’t expect such an incident to happen. Our first reaction was to get him away from Neha Kakkar. I don’t know if the makers have taken any action against him. As a host at that moment, I tried to safeguard Neha. What happens next is not in my hands.”
However, sympathizing and siding with the fan as he said, “I am sure he didn’t mean it in an inappropriate way. I understand what it is to have fans who are obsessed. I know this man has a tattoo of Neha on his hands. So in some way, this man must have immense love for her. You kind of feel for them as well. But you need to make them aware of where to draw the line.”
Amidst all these, Neha Kakkar has ket quiet and not spoken a word about the controversy. Let’s wait and watch whether Neha Kakkar has anything to say about the whole incident or not.
Also Read: ‘Indian Idol 11’: When a contestant kissed Neha Kakkar on the show-watch video