Actor Fardeen Khan and his wife Natasha Madhwani were blessed with a baby boy on Friday, August 11. This morning, he took to Twitter and wrote, “We are overjoyed to announce the birth of our son Azarius Fardeen Khan who was born on the 11th of August 2017.” [sic]
Fardeen who happens to be the son of veteran actor Feroz Khan, tied the knot with Natasha (granddaughter of the legendary Mumtaz) in 2005. They are already blessed with a daughter whom they named Diani Isabella Khan. The new addition to the family is sure to take the happiness several notches higher! (Also Read: Fardeen Khan, wife Natasha and daughter make for a picture perfect family)
In his Bollywood career, Fardeen has been a part of films like ‘Khushi’, ‘Fida’, ‘No Entry’, ‘Shaadi No 1’ and many more. However, it’s been almost a decade since we last saw him on the big screen. In between, he hit the headlines for his massive weight gain and ended up being body-shamed on social media. However, the actor gave a fitting reply to the trolls on social media.
It was also speculated that Fardeen would make a comeback to films with the sequel of ‘No Entry’. While director Anees Bazmee has hinted at the sequel, no names to star in the sequel have come to the fore.
We wish health to the newborn and happiness to the family!
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.