Farhan Akhtar, who is an avid social media user took to his Instagram to share a photo of him with his great-grandfather, Muztar Khairabadi. The actor-filmmaker edited a photo of his great grandfather to appear with him in the unseen throwback photo. He shared the gem of a photo which also got a reaction from his wife, Shibani Dandekar.
Taking to his Instagram, Farhan Akhtar shared a photo where his great-grandfather Muztar Khairabadi can be seen seated on a chair. The actor can be seen standing next to his great-grandfather in the picture. Akhtar is wearing a formal attire. He looks handsome in a blazer and formal pants. His great grandfather is wearing ethnic wear with a hat. He is also carrying a sword, and had donned glasses.
Sharing the photo, Farhan mentioned how his family thinks he looks like his great grandfather. He shared the edited photo of him and wrote, “My family thinks I look like my great-grandfather, Muztar Khairabadi.. what do you think?” The actor asked his fans for their thoughts.
Take a look at the post below:
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Reacting to the post, Shibani Dandekar commented, “Twins (fire and red heart emojis).” Anusha Dandekar also made a comment and wrote, “Twins!!! (surprise and heart eyes emojis).” Ronit Bose Roy said, “100 %” agreeing with Farhan’s family. Shonali Bose commented and said, “Amazing likeness. How lovely Fa.”
Many fans reacted to the photo shared by Akhtar. One user commented, “Definitely thought it was you,” while another said, “Is this not you?” A third fan said, “thought it was a film poster,” while a fourth user commented, “….first i thought it was you sir”
Meanwhile, Farhan was recently in the UK, with his family. He jetted off to London with wife, Shibani Dandekar and his family. The actor went on to attend the Adele concert with Shibani. The couple also enjoyed the Wimbledon finals with his close friends.
Also Read: Farhan Akhtar, Karisma Kapoor & others pose for a group photo as they enjoy Wimbledon match