Bollywood actor singer filmmaker, the multi-talented celebrity Farhan Akhtar has been invited to United Kingdom. Farhan has been invited to London to take a master class at a film festival there. Farhan has a free hand in talking about everything from acting to direction to singing and writing, all due to his multifaceted personalty. Farhan, who was scheduled to be shooting for Zoya Akhtar’s ‘Dil Dhadakne Do’ at that time, has taken two days off from the shoot. He will be flying to London on the 16th and be back on the 18th of July so he can be there for the last two days.
As per sources, the filmmaker-writer-singer-actor has been invited to take a master class at a film festival in London. The event is a British Film Institute (BFI) special ‘in conversation’ event, with the London Indian Film Festival. Touted as Europe’s biggest independent film festival, the festival commences 10th July and ends on 17th July.
Sources further added, a lot of colleges like IIM, IIT, Havard etc. have been inviting Farhan for lectures. This time around the London Indian Film Festival has been keen to have him. Farhan’s fans and popularity has grown two folds – in India and also internationally.