Farhan Akhtar attains perfection in all that he does. His upcoming film Wazir too is untouched by Farhan’s urge to attain perfection. The actor had to Run through a busy street as a part of a chase sequence. Farhan insisted on running through a busy street in Delhi to authenticate the scene.
Farhan was of the opinion that unless he faced the heavy flow of traffic head on, he will not be able to emote realistically. The actor ran an entire stretch of a busy Delhi street dodging cars amidst slow moving traffic.
The Director achieved a perfect shot in the very first take.
Bejoy, The Director termed Farhan’s dedication towards the film as a mark of professionalism, adding on to praise Farhan for bringing authenticity to the sequence.
An Architecture student by Profession, a Bollywood Buff and Writer by Passion.
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