The Chandigarh Stalking incident has caught everyone’s attention. Not just the family members but even the residents of Chandigarh have raised their voice in support of the girl who was being stalked by the son a minister. Following this, ‘Dangal’ actress Fatima Sana Shaikh too has commented on it and has said that it is an unfortunate incident.
Quoting to a news agency, she has said, “It’s an extremely unfortunate incident. Such things should not happen but I just hope Varnika Kundu gets justice.”
“There are many places where women don’t feel safe, but luckily I feel very safe in Mumbai. It’s an unfortunate truth that the place is not very safe,” she added further. (Also Read: Fatima Sana Shaikh opts for functional training for ‘Thugs Of Hindostan’)
On the work front, Fatima Sana Shaikh has a big film in her kitty. She has been shooting for Aamir Khan’s ‘Thugs Of Hindostan’ that also stars Amitabh Bachchan and Katrina Kaif. It is being directed by Vijay Krishna Acharya and is produced by YRF. For a relatively new actress like Fatima Sana Shaikh, this sure seems to be a golden opportunity. She was last seen in Aamir Khan’s ‘Dangal’ wherein she had essayed the role of Geeta Phogat. She along with Sanya Malhotra had worked hard to master the skill of wrestling and their efforts did pay off. Her performance left a lasting impact on the audience. We are expecting the same from ‘Thugs Of Hindostan’. The lady is putting her best efforts to shine bright amongst the biggies like Big B, Aamir Khan and Katrina Kaif.
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.