Bollywood’s King Khan Shah Rukh Khan will soon be seen on the small screen. It is no secret that the Badshah had started his journey to fame from television. This time he will be hosting a show India Poochega Sabse Shaana Kaun? SRK was all set and excited for his show. Recently he had even started shooting for the show too. But last night there was fire on the sets putting a break to the shoot.
Shah Rukh Khan was shooting for the show at RK studio last night. At that time, Karan Johar, Farah Khan, Anushka Sharma and Alia Bhatt too were present at the studio. Suddenly there was a black out, everyone on the sets was informed that a generator outside had caught fire. The set was evacuated immediately. No one got hurt during the incident.
The reason behind the fire was short circuit in the meter box. The main switch of the meter box was turned off and the fire doused immediately.
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