Bollywood is going through a wedding phase as over the last one month, we had Deepika Padukone tying the knot with Ranveer Singh and Priyanka Chopra marrying the love of her life Nick Jonas. Now, it is the turn of comedian Kapil Sharma to enter into a matrimonial bond. The ‘Firangi’ actor married girlfriend Ginni Chatrath today in Jalandhar.
Now, the first picture from the newlyweds’ marriage is out. Kapil Sharma took to Instagram and shared the photo himself. The comedian is looking extremely dapper and handsome in a costume which is extremely regal and stylish. In the picture, we can see Kapil wearing a turban and holding a sword. Kapil’s wife Ginni is oozing class and is looking extremely beautiful as a bride in a red saree.
Post marriage, Kapil and Ginni will host a reception on December 14 in Amritsar and follow it up with another one in Mumbai on December 24.
Kapil Sharma, over the last 12-18 months, has faced many hurdles personally as well as professionally, but Ginni has been a solid rock presence for Kapil. Kapil is also returning with his ‘The Kapil Sharma Show’ and looks like all the bad things are behind him.
We wish Kapil and Ginni a lifetime of happiness and a blessed union.
And stay tuned for more inside pictures and videos of this couple’s wedding.
Also Read: Inside videos and pictures: Pre-wedding festivities have begun for Kapil Sharma and Ginni Chatrath
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