‘Love Sonia‘ which stars Richa Chadha, Mrunal Thakur, Frieda Pinto, Demi Moore, Anupam Kher, Manoj Bajpayee, Rajkummar Rao and Sai Tamhankar, will open the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne this year. Directed by Tabrez Noorani, the film will kick off the festival on August 10, 2018, also marking its premiere in Australia.
The film which stars Mrunal Thakur in the titular role is based on human trafficking and global sex trade network. It follows the story of a young girl whose life goes for a toss when she gets caught in the net of the flesh trade.
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The film is produced by David Womark, who has also produced the Academy Award, winning film ‘Life of Pi’ and ‘Deepwater Horizon’ which was nominated for the BAFTA Awards 2017. The film’s director, Tabrez Noorani, along with the principal cast including Freida Pinto, Richa Chadha and Mrunal Thakur will be attending the Festival opening for a gala screening.
Speaking about being the opening film, director Tabrez Noorani said, “We are delighted to be able to open the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne with our film, Love Sonia, and are honoured to share our film down under and especially in the culturally diverse city of Melbourne.”
Going by the stellar cast of this movie, ‘Love Sonia’ is surely going to be worth a watch.