Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan’s youngest son AbRam turns a year older today. The adorable munchkin is celebrating his 9th birthday on May 27, 2022. The youngster has been winning hearts with his adorable antics ever since his birth. Pictures and videos of AbRam create a buzz on social media. Now a video shared by mom Gauri Khan has left netizens bowled over by Abram’s cuteness.
Shah Rukh Khan’s wife Gauri Khan took to Instagram to wish her youngest child a very happy birthday. She also shared a video of Abram’s day out on a beach in his high-end wheels. Gauri Khan captioned the video simply, Happy birthday ?.
 Check out the video of Gauri Khan wishing Abram on his birthday here:
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In the video, AbRam is cuteness personified in a blue t-shirt and shorts. He is seen sitting on an ATV and swaying his head. No sooner did Gauri Khan share the video than fans and friends filled the comment section with wishes and praises. Shweta Bachchan, Neelam Kothari, Manisha Malhotra and many more wished the little star.
Recently Gauri Khan, Shah Rukh Khan and Aryan Khan were seen attending Karan Johar’s 50th birthday bash.  An unseen video of Shah Rukh Khan setting the dance floor on fire with his groove created a buzz on social media.
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On the work front, Shah Rukh Khan will soon be seen in YRF’s Pathan with Deepika Padukone and John Abraham. He also has Atlee’s next with Nayanthara.
Wishing AbRam Khan a Very Happy Birthday.
Also Read: WHAT! Shah Rukh Khan attends Karan Johar’s 50th birthday bash, actor dances the night away- WATCH