Get well soon Hrithik Roshan

Hrithik Roshan has recently after brain surgery while recuperating posted a message for his fans on his Facebook wall from his hospital bed. Along with the fans he later even posted a small poem for his sons Hrehaan and Hridaan.


“Innocence inspires so silently and discreetly and yet all so powerfully! Missing my sons. (I’m not allowed to see them yet..). The following words I write for them inspired by them…And wish to hear it from them someday …

If I could fly… i’d fly my highest.
When I can run… i’ll run my fastest.
If I walk… i’ll walk my tallest.
If I stand… i’ll stand my strongest.
If I need to sit… i’ll sit with my head up.
If I must sleep… i’ll soar above clouds in my mind.
If I can…I will. I can. So I will.
I’m Great. No matter what.”
This is a small gesture of love from an emotional father, after getting a get well note from his children.A father who is a hero in the eyes of his two sons