Grand Masti affter going through many controversies has emerged a winner at the Box Office with a clear earning of Rs 26 cr in to days seems like it is a clear winner and stands fourth in earnings after top grossers like ‘Chennai Express’, Yeh Jawaani Yeh Deewani’ and ‘Race 2’.
As per sources, the great starts clearly defines that films with a comic genre, filled with a healthy dose of sex skin show and sleaze never fails to capture the interest of the audience. Well the audience verdict is all clear and this shows that the critics who had given the movie zero stars are not in touch with the audience.
Friday the 13th is considered unlucky or inauspicious for some, but those associated with ‘Grand Masti’ will never forget this date as it emerged a winner . By the weekend the movie has collected a staggering Rs 40 .18 cr net .Seems like its the time to open the bubbly by the cast and crew.