The sensous Deepika Padukone has a favourite dish ‘Rasam Rice’ that she cannot do without so the masala for her hot favourite lines most of the shelves of her kitchen. Those of her friends who have tasted it are swearing by its distinct flavour. The actress does not mind sharing the spicy Rasam powder with some of her close friends in Mumbai.
As per sources “Everyone who has had the dish at Deepika’s home knows exactly why it is loved so much. It is made in big quantities as it is distributed to a whole list of people who request her for it. Anyone who has ever enjoyed the special rasam at her place, always adds their name to her rasam powder delivery list. Dippy’s homemade rasam powder is flavorful minus the loaded preservatives that is available in stores.
The powder is made under the standing instructions of the actress and the star makes it a point that the rasam powder is delivered to her industry friends and other close pals regularly, whenever a new stock is made.