Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan, and his team from the 2001 film ‘Lagaan’ got relief from Gujarat High Court. The court has dropped all criminal proceedings against seven people, including Aamir, director Ashutosh Gowariker and three technical experts. The charges against them were of alleged poaching of a chinkara in the Banni grassland during the shooting of the film Lagaan in Kutch district in 2000.
An assistant conservator of forest, Kutch range, J E Vyas, had filed the complaint in 2005 and the government had defended it, saying the officer had seen the killing of the chinkara in the film that year. Aamir Khan’s counsel had defended the allegations, by stating that the chinkara scene was created in the studio through visual effects by obtaining shots from different sources.
Justice V M Sahai said while quashing the complaint filed under the Wildlife Protection Act, “This case falls in the category of rarest of rare cases as it leads to insurmountable harassment, agony and pain to the petitioners, as well as to their reputation only on the imagination of the complainant (forest official) of unknown facts. There is no evidence; the complaint is false, frivolous, imaginary and absurd.”
He further added that, “If the criminal justice system was set in motion on the basis of “such imaginary scenes”, it would be a hazardous trend since it could be used to challenge even the investigating agencies and would hinder investigation of genuine cases, too.”
So seems like Friday was a lucky day for The Khan’s. First Salman Khan got relief in jail term and then Aamir Khan too had all charges dropped against him too.
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