Actor Siddhant Chaturvedi has shared an emotional video on Instagram, in which he can be seen reciting a poem that he wrote. He talked about the regular noise of the ambulance vans, amid the recent surge in coronavirus cases. Siddhant said, “Khidki pe baithate hi fir wahi guzarti hain ambulance ki awaazein, har second jaise koi apna aakhiri saansein le raha ho. Dil thoda sehem to jata hai, kahi wo guzarte insan ko hi apna kehna ho. Pichle saal ki tarah wo hausla is saal shayad qayam hi na ho, kyuki jeet ke pehle jo humne jashn manaya tha, is baar jashn manane ki koi wajah bhi na ho (The time I sit near my window, I can only hear sirens of the ambulance passing by, as if a loved one is counting his last breaths. The heart gets petrified. We may not have the courage that we had last year. We celebrated ahead of the victory, perhaps we may not find a reason to celebrate this time).”
Siddhant’s poem also mentioned planning holidays, even as many across the country struggle with a shortage of beds in a hospital, amid the medical hazards during this pandemic. “Sochta hu kya karein, baithe baithe ghar pe chalo almaari sajaate hain ya fir kahi badhiya si jagah chutti manate hain. In ghatati saanso se door kahi aur, hum apni saansein churate hain. Rozana badhte bistar ki maango se bifkra ho ke hum apni chaadar failaate hain. Online ticket katayien, kapde mangayein, suitcase nikalein par khidki pe baithate hi fir wahi ambulance ki awaazein.”
He further said, “Aisa lagta hai jaise koi apna, dil thoda sehem to jaata hai kyuki us ambulance ka rasta mere ghar ke neeche se ho ke jata hai (What should I do? Sitting idle at home or should I rearrange my wardrobe? Or go on a vacation to find some life, away from this chaos to stay alive? I think of getting an online ticket, buying some clothes, but again, I can only hear ambulances when I sit near the window. I get scared, because the ambulance also crossed my home).”
While sharing the video the young actor has mentioned, “Ek khayaal aya, socha share karun (A thought popped up and I decided to share)…Guzarti Ambulance #MyNotes.”
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Siddhant got some encouraging feedback for his poem from his industry people. Tanuj Virwani wrote, “Only getting better with age my boy.” Dia Mirza responded with, “Empath love you.” Kirti Sanon also commented, “Beautiful..” while Saiyyami Kher wrote, “Thank you for this.”
Siddhant often shares his poetry, under the hashtag ‘#MyNotes’. Last week, he wrote, “I feel you, feel blue… It’s okay, It’ll be alright… I don’t even know how to play this, but you heard it right? Yeah… #MyNotes / ? / picture by @kaushal_dp.”
On the work front after a spectacular performance in Zoya Akhtar’s Gully Boy Siddhant will be seen in Bunty Aur Babli 2 and Shakun Batra’s next film. He also has Phone Bhoot and Yudhra in the pipeline.
Also Read: Gully Boy star Siddhant Chaturvedi tests COVID positive