Actor Gurmeet Choudhary and wife Debina Bonnerjee recently adopted two little girls Pooja (six-year-old) and Lata (nine-year-old) from their hometown in Bihar. Years ago, they had met the girls during one of their visits back home. The couple was thinking of acquiring parenthood through adoption since quite some time, and this time it struck them.
The girls, before they found new parents, used to work as domestic helpers to earn their living. Gurmeet says he has found great pleasure after giving them a new life.
“I am a big fan of Superman; he has the power to do nice things for human beings. We can also do the same using our power as a celebrity. Debina and I were thinking about adoption since a long time. It finally happened last year after we discussed it with our parents. We have planned everything for them very carefully. I think it’s just a start because people keep talking about women empowerment, but nobody takes any steps. I think I have done the right thing and hope people will follow it,” he said, during an interview with TOI. (Also Read: Gurmeet Choudhary has the best pre-birthday gift for his wife Debina Bonerjee)
Will the children soon shift to Mumbai as well?
“That will need planning as such decisions can’t be taken overnight. The girls come from a rural background, so bringing them here immediately will be a cultural shock for them. We are focusing on their studies right now. We will do everything according to their comfort. We have not set a specific time frame because that will be put pressure on them. Similarly, there is no pressure on them to take my surname either. They call us Gurmeet and Debina, so we are friends. In today’s time, the relationship between parents and kids should be that of friends. So, I don’t mind them addressing me by my name. Debina and I talk to them every day. My life has changed after adopting them. I have the responsibility of looking after them,” he answered.
Parenthood be the most moving feeling, and how! 🙂
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.