Hansal Mehta and son Jai Mehta created an uproar on the digital platform when they collaborated together to give India one of its most successful web series ever, Scam 1992. The show became an instant rage and its actors Pratik Gandhi and Shreya Dhanwanthary became big stars. Now, this father-son duo is back with another intriguing story and today, they released its first look, as well as the title of the show, Lootere.
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Taking to social media, Hansal Mehta shared the first look of the show which is set mostly in the middle of the sea. It is about sea pirates who hijack commercial ships and what follows after. Sharing the video, the filmmaker wrote, “Proud to present this @jaihmehta directorial #Lootere. A tale of greed, survival, terror and chaos – #HotstarSpecials #Lootere, coming soon. Produced by @shaaileshrsingh (sic)”.
Check out the first look of the show here:
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Rajat Kapoor stars as a ship captain in the series that promises a gripping tale of survival, greed, terror and chaos. It is set in Somalia and while the show is helmed by Hansal Mehta, his son Jai Mehta is directing it, with Shaailesh R Singh taking the producer’s chair. The show will stream on Disney+ Hotstar as a Hotstar Specials, and going by the first look, it will give an insight into the unexplored world in the middle of the sea. Rajat Kapoor seems to be in top form as well, while the rest of the cast is yet to be seen.
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Apart from this, Hansal is also in the process of creating the sequel to Scam 1994 with Scam 2003: The Telgi Story. He is also directing another terrorist drama Faraaz while also being a part of Kareena Kapoor’s maiden project as a producer.