Actor-producer Uday Chopra, who happens to be the son of late producer Yash and brother of Aditya Chopra, celebrates his 43rd birthday today. He didn’t really have a glowing career in acting; but well, he never runs short on humour!
The twitter handle operated by Chopra is indeed an interesting one. The man surely possesses one great quality; to take jokes on him without any offense. Matching his humour, his B-town friends took it to Twitter and wished him a Happy birthday!
The most interesting tweet was from Abhishek Bachchan who wrote “Happy birthday @udaychopra you are now officially a teenager! Please behave appropriately…Wait…That’s asking for too much. Live it brada!”.
Well, that got us LOL. We assume Uday is still considered a teen by heart and that’s great!
“Good morning! Good Morning! And what a fine morning… shoutout and Happy Birthday to my buddy @udaychopra! CHEERS!”- wrote Dino Morea.
Chopra made his acting debut with the 2002 film ‘Mohabbatein’ and featured in chain of films which include three installments of ‘Dhoom’ series. He also looks after the international banner of Yash Raj Films.
We wish him a joyous birthday and pray for his healthy & prosperous life!
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.
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