Under the guidance of Godfather Salman Khan, Pulkit Samrat’s Bollywood career got an amazing kick star. A Delhi boy who came down to the city of dreams Mumbai in 2005 in now a familiar face in the Industry. He celebrates his 31st birthday today and we must say that he has achieved a good amount of glamour and recognition at a very young age.
Just like other stars, Pulkit started off his acting career with Television. he was fortunate enough to bag a role in one of the most well-known and reputed show ‘Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi.’ He bagged the Fresh Face award for the same. But his television journey lasted only for a year. Due to his back injury, he had to quit the show. After undergoing a treatment in Dubai for his ailing back, Pulkit Samrat resumed his acting career and this time with full force. His first debut film was ‘Bittoo Boss’ in 2012 wherein he played a role of a videographer. Even though this film was a major flop, it was good enough for Pulkit to get noticed. Soon, he came under Salman’s supervision and then there was no turning back for Pulkit.
His next film ‘Fukrey’ was a superhit, especially the song ‘Ambarsariya’ was loved by all. Then he did ‘O Teri,’ ‘Dolly Ki Dolli’ and ‘Bangistan.’ Salman Khan had once said that Pulkit is another Salman Khan in the making which is a compliment for which everyone would die for.
Talking about his personal life, Pulkit was married to Salman’s rakhi sister Shweta Rohira. Unfortunately, their marriage couldn’t last for more than one year and now there are rumors that he is love with his ‘Sanam Re’ co-star Yami Gautam.
Well, apart his personal life as of now Pulkit Samrat has all the good reasons to celebrate.
Happy Birthday, Pulkit!
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.