Actor Harshvardhan Kapoor, who got us weak on our knees with his bearded look for ‘Mirzya’, celebrates his 26th birthday today. Known as a workaholic, Harshvardhan is going to spend the day on the sets of ‘Bhavesh Joshi’.
“I am not someone who’s big on birthdays and definitely not one for large crowds. I prefer quiet birthdays and doing something I really love… which, of course, is focusing on work and this film. ‘Bhavesh Joshi’ is shaping up really well and we are going to be doing some cool stuff for the second schedule,” the Kapoor lad told a leading daily.
Also Read: Harshvardhan Kapoor: I think a lot and that gets misconstrued at times
‘Mirzya’ did not stand strong at the box office. ‘Bhavesh Joshi’ helmed by Vikramaditya Motwane is much anticipated where the actor is rumoured to play a boy with superpowers.
We wish you a bright day and a joyous time ahead, Harshvardhan!
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Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.