The incident on the sets of ‘Padmavati‘ and the assault on Sanjay Leela Bhansali and his team shocked the whole industry. Every celeb has been expressing anger on the same at public platforms and social media. But, here is what Salman Khan did.
Salman Khan was in Jaipur at the time the incident took place for the hearing of his Blackbuck poaching case and immediately gave a call to SLB and checked on him. A source close to both of them revealed, “Salman immediately called up Sanjay after the ugly incident in Jaipur on Friday to ask if he was okay. The gesture sure meant a lot to the old friend.” (Also Read: ‘Hindi-Chini bhai bhai’: Salman Khan, Jackie Chan and Sonu Sood mouth the famous saying)
Salman and Sanjay have worked together in the hit ‘Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam’, but apparently, were not on talking terms after Bhansali singed Shah Rukh Khan for ‘Devdas’.
Looks like all is well now. After all, sometimes the worst times bring out the best in people.