Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover got married in a grand ceremony followed by a starry reception on the 30th of April. Since then, the couple has been updating us on their whereabouts on social media.
9 days gone and the couple is finally headed to their private honeymoon. According to report on DNA, the couple was spotted last night catching a flight for Maldives. Yes. They are off for a honeymoon on the beach.
The couple will return only after a long staycation of 15 days at the island. Reportedly, both Karan and Bipasha love the beach and there couldn’t be a better place for a honeymoon than Maldives.
Get ready for some beach pictures to hit their social media profiles soon.
Also Read:Â Love you forever: Karan Singh Grover to Bipasha Basu
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