For long we have been speculating about Arpita Khan’s husband Aayush Sharma’s debut in Bollywood. The handsome man has been aspiring to be an actor since long and reportedly has been undergoing a training too for the same. He has been closely assisting Salman over his films like ‘Tubelight’, ‘Sultan’, ‘Prem Ratan Dhan Payo’ and others in order to learn from him. Well, finally the day has come when Salman has made the announcement of Aayush’s debut film.
Taking it to Twitter, Salman welcomed Aayush by saying, “Congrats @aaysharma Now is the time for a lot of mehnat aur lagan. Wish you all success God Bless #AayushSharma”. (Also Read: Case filed against Salman Khan for threatening a ‘Bigg Boss’ contestant)
Congrats @aaysharma Now is the time for a lot of mehnat aur lagan. Wish you all success God Bless #AayushSharma
— Salman Khan (@BeingSalmanKhan) October 9, 2017
Source: Twitter @BeingSalmanKhan
Arbaaz Khan too tweeted,
Welcome #Aayushsharma to our wonderful film industry 🤗 hope you have long and successful career…
— Arbaaz Khan (@arbaazSkhan) October 9, 2017
Source: Twitter @arbaazSkhan
Talking about the film, reportedly it is going to be a lovestory set in Gujarat. Salman has also revealed that the shooting of the same will begin in February and will release later in the year 2018. The leading lady is yet to be finalised.
Work wise, Salman would be next seen in ‘Tiger Zinda Hai’ along with Katrina Kaif. Directed by Ali Abbas Zafar, it will release in December this year. After the gap of five years we will get to see Salman and Katrina together.
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.