As we had reported earlier, actress Alia Bhatt is gearing up for the promotions of her soon to release ‘Dear Zindagi‘ where she is seen sharing the screen space with Shah Rukh Khan for the first time. Recently, the actress who is much active on the social media had an interaction with her fans on Twitter. While answering those questions which were more related to the struggle and various other things occurring in life (the basic theme of her movie ‘Dear Zindagi’ as well), Alia Bhatt revealed that failure is something which keeps her going.
The ‘2 States’ actress was asked by one of her fans what she has to say about facing failure. To which Alia replied, “Fear of failure is what keeps me going. So I fear it, but it also motivates me.”
Also Check: So cute! Alia Bhatt shares a video to thank 10 million followers on Instagram
The actress had answered this question with a small video posted by her.
Have a look at Alia’s reply on facing failure here:
.@ishahade #AskAliaAboutZindagi
— Alia Bhatt (@aliaa08) November 3, 2016
Directed by Gauri Shinde, ‘Dear Zindagi’ also stars Aditya Roy Kapur, Angad Bedi, and Kunal Kapoor in pivotal parts.
It is slated to release on November 25, 2016.
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Quiet, resonant, and creative, he can be seen immersed in his own world, and puts in his heart and soul into the one passion that he has, Bollywood. His line for survival? Feel happy to be a part of it.