Of late, Esha Gupta has been making it to headlines for the sensuous pictures that she has been posting on Instagram. From just posing with the pomegranates covering her modesty to baring it all while showing off her butt, Esha has been titillating her fans with her pictures. But at the same time, the lady has received a lot of flak too from the audience. We know that trolls do not leave any opportunity to pull the celebs down and Esha was no exception. She got trolled and abused on social media for her explosive pictures. But it did not affect the actress too much. In fact, in her latest interview with Miss Kyra, Esha has given a perfect answer to all those criticising her for no reason. (Also Read: Hot is the word! Esha Gupta raises the bar of sensuality in this video)

Stating that it’s easy for some faceless and redundant people to pull a celebrity down, Esha stated, “In our country, women are eternally blamed. They are accused when a girl child is born; they are accused even when they are raped. So, somewhere I knew that I will also have to face a lot of heat. After all, it’s easiest for some faceless and redundant people to pull a celebrity down at the first opportunity. I’ve done shoots like this one when I was a model. I’ve gone topless and naked, too. No one ever asked me about that. And who are these people who have ‘issues’ with my pictures? It’s my body and it’s been shot aesthetically. There’s a thin line, which if you cross, you look vulgar. No one can say my pictures are vulgar. I got more love than hate, but it’s better to be hated than to be forgotten. And right now, I’m in my best shape. Although we knew where this could lead, we thought, ‘If not now, then when?”


There is no denial that the pictures were shot aesthetically and the actress flaunted her beauty with confidence.