Former Indian cricketer Sachin Tendulkar’s biopic documentary film ‘Sachin: A Billion Dreams’ is all set for a release in a coming few weeks. The fans of this legendary cricketer are more than excited and curious to catch this film on big screen. Sachin has kick-started the promotions of the same. While giving an interview to a leading daily, Sachin was asked that which actor would he pick to play his role. Well, the ‘God of Cricket’ didn’t take any name and instead asked the reporter to name one actor.
As the journalist came up with superstar Aamir Khan’s name first, Sachin replied saying, “Well, whenever I have asked journalists this, they have all named Aamir because there is direct connect. Aamir has done ‘Lagaan’ (2001 film on a do-or-die cricket match). He’s a great actor and a wonderful person.” [sic]
Further, Sachin also talked about how he was not ready first to act in the movie when the makers approached him. He said, “My initial reaction was no (smiles). I said I can’t act, I don’t want to act; I am a sportsperson, not an actor. So, it took them a while to convince me and to let me know I have to act. Because everything in my life has been documented, there are no made-up stories… there is no way to rewrite a script to show I have made extra runs. They (makers) felt no one knows what went on in my mind during the highs and lows (of my career). So, we needed to show that to as many guys as possible.”
Talking about films, Aamir Khan was last seen in ‘Dangal’ which was also a biopic where he played the part of wrestler turned coach Mahavir Singh Phogat to his daughters and athletes Geeta Phogat and Babita Phogat.
While ‘Sachin: A Billion Dreams’, directed by James Erskine is slated to hit the screens on May 26, 2017.
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