All of Akshay Kumar’s recent films have one thing in common. They are rich in content and have various social aspects to touch upon. This has of course been a conscious choice. As Akshay puts it, he always wanted to support such films but didn’t have enough money. His latest film ‘PadMan’ is one such successful venture. (Also Read: Hey Akshay Kumar, this ‘PadWoman’ has a special request for you)
Moving on, he begins working on ‘Housefull 4’ soon. That looks like quite a shift of genre, right?
“It’s been a while since I have done a full-on comedy film. It’s a genre that I really enjoy working in,” says Kumar. Point out how he will be back to tickling the audience’s funny bone with ‘Housefull 4’, which is expected to go on floors by the end of the year, and he says, “I am looking forward to that film. ‘Housefull 4’ is going to be like a three-month vacation. For me, it’s like a reunion of old friends.” he tells Mid-day.
Apart from ‘Housefull 4’, Akshay is also working on ‘Gold’ and ‘Kesari’. Apparently, he is also set to star in ‘Moghul’, based on true story of murder of T-Series founder Gulshan Kumar.
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.