Salman Khan has been granted two weeks more time to furnish sureties by the Mumbai High Court. The actor had been asked to provide them when he was acquitted in the 2002 Hit & Run Case. The Dabangg Khan had recently approached the court to request for some more time to submit the sureties due to some formalities being completed.
AM Thipsay today permitted the actor two more weeks to complete the formalities and submit the sureties.
Salman Khan had been acquitted in the ongoing Hit & Run Case by Justice A R Joshi of the High Court. He had absolved the Bajrangi Bhaijaan of all the charges that were levied on him by a lower court in the infamous case where Salman apparently under the influence of alcohol had mowed down some people sleeping on the pavement with his rash driving. The accident caused one person to lose his life and injured four others.
Justice Joshi, while acquitting Salman had directed him to submit two sureties of Rs. 25,000, as per section 437-A of The Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC). The sureties had to be submitted within two weeks.
At present, the actor is busy with his upcoming film Sultan.
Also Read : Salman Khan gifts brother Arbaaz Khan a special goodie bag
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