Salman Khan

Bollywood superstar was at the Mumbai’s session court to give his version of the events that took place on the fateful night regarding the 2002 Hit & Run Case. As per the case Salman Khan in drunken state had crashed his SUV in a bakery and killing one and injuring four sleeping on the pavement outside the shop in Bandra. Salman Khan testified that he was neither drunk nor driving his Toyota Land Cruiser at a high speed, in a drunk state, in the early hours of September 28, 2002.


Salman Khan on being asked by the court as to why he exited from the driver’s side said, “My left door was jammed so I could not open it. I was sitting on the drivers seat for a short time when the driver got out and another took over. On being told that the parking attendant had said that he handed over the car to the actor, Mr Khan said “I don’t remember.” He also said that he was at the bar with brother Sohail, but just had water. The bills made out for drinks as well as food, he said, were not his.

Salman Khan denied not being on the spot and running away, “I instructed the driver to inform the police. I remained at the spot for 15 minutes or more. It was my aides who asked me to leave.” Salman Khan’s response to majority of questions based on the accounts of prosecution witnesses was “false.”

Salman Khan is being tried for culpable homicide not amounting to murder. If convicted, he could face up to 10 years in prison.