The makers of Shah Rukh Khan starrer ‘Zero‘ have launched the trailer of the much-awaited film on the superstars birthday as a treat to his fans. The grand launch event is taking place today at IMAX Wadala where a Mini Meerut is created complete with the Ghanta Ghar and shops selling delicacies of the famous city.
The event has started with a bang and SRKians are arriving in hordes to catch a glimpse of King Khan and the trailer of his much-awaited film. Here we bring for you a picture of Shah Rukh Khan, Anushka Sharma and Katrina Kaif, from the event. The superstar is seen dressed in a red shirt, Anushka looks sizzling hot in a shimmery long dress, whereas Katrina is slaying in her denim look.
Check out the picture shared by Katrina Kaif on her social handle:
Anushka Sharma looked gorgeous in this shimmery dress
Check out the decorations at the venue here:
Looks like the makers of ‘Zero’ have gone out of their way to make the event a grand one. And we are not complaining as nothing can be better than watching the trailer of SRK’s film on his birthday.
The trailer of ‘Zero’ is out and you can check it out in the link below. Also, do let us know your views about the trailer.
Directed by Aanand L Rai ‘Zero’ will hit the silver screens on December 21.
Also Read: ‘Zero’ Trailer: This Shah Rukh, Anushka and Katrina starrer has hit written all over it