Actor Ranveer Singh current has his plate full of upcoming projects. The ‘enthu-cutlet’ of Bollywood who recently injured his shoulder while playing a football match have been receiving a lot of ‘get well soon’ messages from one and all on social media. But now, seems like the star is back with his energy as he shared a picture with regards to his forthcoming movie ‘Gully Boy’, but it has a Bhaijaan (Salman Khan) feel to it for sure.
In the shared the snap, we see Ranveer Singh posing with a back profile wearing a hoodie which has his film’s name on it. Have a look at the photo below:
For the unaware, you can browse through Salman’s photos on Instagram and you will surely see the ‘Dabangg’ star posing in the same way as we see Ranveer . Indulge in two below; serving a proof: (Also Read; Deepika roots for the right cause, discontinues a HUGE endorsement deal)
We wonder, why is Ranveer going the Sallu way? But whatsoever it is quite refreshing to see Ranveer imitating someone. Talking about ‘Gully Boy’, the movie is directed by Zoya Akhtar and will see Ranveer Singh playing the role of a rapper.
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Moody, sarcastic, narcissist, quirky, a complete gossip bitch and also a SRKian, Rushabh wants to break the stereotypes within the society through his writing. Also, OUT and PROUD of his rainbow colours, his life just revolves around everything fashionable and Bollywood.