The #MeToo movement is growing stronger day by day. With every passing hour, new stories of sexual harassment are surfacing. Bollywood is already shaken up with veteran actors like Alok Nath, Piyush Mishra, Rajat Kapoor and filmmakers like Subhash Kapoor and Sajid Khan being accused of sexual misconduct. And we have yet another shocking accusation made against the head honcho of music label T-Series. Yes, we are talking about Bhushan Kumar.
An anonymous woman, fearing her safety, shared her #MeToo story under a pseudonym name. She took to Twitter and wrote, “This is my #metoo about #tseries head honcho #bhushankumar. @MasalaBai @spotboye @mumbaimirror I have to use a pseudonym for my own safety and anonymity”
You can check her post here:
This is my #metoo about #tseries head honcho #bhushankumar. @MasalaBai @spotboye @mumbaimirror
I have to use a pseudonym for my own safety and anonymity— #YouTooBollywood (@YouTooBollywood) October 12, 2018
In her post, the woman has said that three years back she was supposed to do a film with T-Series. However, later she was told that in order to seal the deal, she will have to sleep with him. When she refused to do so, Bhushan threatened her to not share the incident with anyone or else he will make her life a mess. The women backed out of the film as she had the support of her family and money to survive in this city. She also said that she is sharing her story because there are several girls out there who must have been exploited by Bhushan and by doing so, she wants to do her bit to change the society.
Here are the snapshots of her story:
We wonder what Bhushan has to say about these allegations. Also god knows how many more known names are going to come under the scanner in this #MeToo movement.
Also Read: Twitterati slams Sajid Khan’s response to sexual harassment allegations
Cinephile. Bibliophile. Pluviophile. Selenophile. Autophile. Aesthete. Blood group- Tea positive. Poetry lover. Sucker of rom-coms.
PS: Sharmaji ki Ladki sucks at writing bios.
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