Actress Tanushree Dutta recently levied allegations against actor Nana Patekar for sexually harassing her on the sets of their film ‘Horn Ok Pleassss’. She opened up on the traumatic incident that took place when Nana Patekar asked the choreographer Ganesh Acharya to include some intimate steps with Tanushree, which he obliged to do. She further accused him of calling the goons on the sets and threatening her. The ‘Dhol’ star slammed the choreographer and the producer of the movie too for not taking a stand on her behalf.
Tanushree Dutta has garnered support from a number of Bollywood celebrities like Sonam Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra, Farhan Akhtar and Parineeti Chopra to name a few who took to their social media handles to raise their voice for the ‘Aashiq Banaya Aapne’ actress.
Nana Patekar had promised to answer media questions and had decided to hold a press conference on October 8 to tell his side of the story from that unfateful day. He was to be joined by choreographer Ganesh Acharya, but now it looks like the veteran actor has cancelled the interaction session and the rescheduled date is yet to be announced.
Fans are eager to hear Nana Patekar’s answers to the allegations levied against him by Tanushree Dutta. The actor who was busy shooting for his upcoming release ‘Housefull 4’ returned back to the city. He was mobbed by the paparazzi and the only thing he was quoted as saying was, “Main dus saal pehle de chuka hu iska jawab. (I have answered this question 10 years ago!)”
Take a look at the video clip here:
It looks like the veteran actor is planning to take a legal action against Tanushree and has, therefore, cancelled his press conference. Tanushree Dutta too has filed a police complaint against the actor.
We shall soon update you further on this matter soon.
Also Read: WATCH: Nana Patekar doesn’t remember touching Tanushree Dutta