‘Dostana’ actress Priyanka Chopra is gearing up for her D Day. Yes, the actress will be getting married to the American singer-songwriter Nick Jonas amidst the presence of their family and close friends on December 2 in Jodhpur. Ahead of their wedding, Nick arrived in India, yesterday and his gorgeous girlfriend Priyanka Chopra welcomed him home in the most romantic way.
The actress shared a picture of them, with a caption that professed her love for Nick. She wrote, “Welcome home baby… ”
Now that her fiance was by her side, the couple celebrated Thanksgiving with a family dinner, and the actress took to Instagram to share a picture from the celebration. She captioned the lovely picture as, “Happy thanksgiving.. family.. forever..”
You can check her post below:
Even Nick shared the same picture on his handle alongside the caption, “What a beautiful Thanksgiving. Hope you all had the best day with your loved ones.”
In the picture, the couple can be seen having a dinner with friends. While Nick is looking handsome as usual in his casuals, Priyanka looked pretty in her ethnic wear. As Nick’s parents couldn’t join the couple, his mother Denise Jonas sent her love for them by posting a message on their picture
We just can’t wait to see these two, who have been painting the town red with their love, to get married at the earliest. Their wedding festivities will begin from November 28 onwards.
Stay tuned for more such interesting updates about their wedding.
Also Read: Priyanka Chopra welcomes fiance Nick Jonas home in the most romantic way
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