Bollywood actress and global phenomenon, Priyanka Chopra is now married to American musician Nick Jonas. After dating for a year and a half, the couple decided to get married. Desi girl Priyanka chose her motherland India to marry beau Nick. The couple exchanged wedding vows in two separate ceremonies. Yes, they got married as per Hindu and Christian customs, thereby honouring each other’s family traditions and culture.
Post their marriage, the couple hosted their first wedding reception in Delhi. And soon after that, Priyanka went back to fulfill her work commitments. The actress is surely setting goals on how to balance ambition and love by giving equal importance to both of them. Today, we noticed that her name on her Instagram page now reads – Priyanka Chopra Jonas.
You can check out a snapshot of her Instagram handle below:
Yes, post marriage, the actress has taken her hubby’s surname and will now prefer being called Priyanka Chopra Jonas. Earlier there were speculations about whether or not Priyanka will take her husband’s surname, so now by changing her name on her social media handle the actress has put all the speculations to rest.
However, her name on Twitter still reads Priyanka Chopra. Perhaps, she will change that later.
Soon after her marriage, the actress in an interview to NDTV, spoke about how she handles her ambition and love. She said that she shuts out the clutter and only focuses on what makes her and her loved ones happy.
Also Read: Charting Priyanka Chopra’s journey from Desi Girl to a Global phenomenon
Cinephile. Bibliophile. Pluviophile. Selenophile. Autophile. Aesthete. Blood group- Tea positive. Poetry lover. Sucker of rom-coms.
PS: Sharmaji ki Ladki sucks at writing bios.
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