Newlyweds Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone will be hosting their first wedding reception today at the actress’ Bengaluru residence. Ahead of the reception party that will begin in the evening, the paparazzi are on their toes to catch even a glimpse of this gorgeous actor couple.
Today DeepVeer were snapped leaving the Bengaluru residence. Apparently, the couple left to check the last minute arrangements at their reception venue. Reportedly the reception will take place at the Leela Palace hotel and will start from 7 pm onwards.
DeepVeer were spotted wearing casuals and were all smile for the shutterbugs. You can have a look at their pictures below:
Ahead of the reception today, #RanveerSingh and #DeepikaPadukone snapped outside Deepika’s Bengaluru residence.
How cute are these two?@RanveerOfficial @deepikapadukone #DeepVeerWedding #DeepVeerkiShadi #DeepVeer #DeepVeerKiShaadi #BollywoodBubble
— Bollywood Bubble (@bollybubble) November 21, 2018
DeepVeer’s today’s wedding reception will be mostly attended by politicians and sportsperson since the actress’ father, Prakash Padukone is a former Indian badminton player.
Post their Bengaluru reception, DeepVeer will be hosting another reception in Mumbai on November 24, which will be attended by Ranveer’s extended family and friends. This will be followed by a party which will be hosted by the couple for their B-town friends and colleagues.
Stay tuned for more such interesting updates on Deepika-Ranveer’s Bengaluru reception.
Also Read: Designer Sabyasachi claims wrong credits for Deepika’s wedding saree, gets trolled mercilessly
Cinephile. Bibliophile. Pluviophile. Selenophile. Autophile. Aesthete. Blood group- Tea positive. Poetry lover. Sucker of rom-coms.
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