Saif Ali Khan and Amrita Singh’s daughter Sara Ali Khan is all set to mark her silver screen debut with her upcoming film ‘Kedarnath’. But interestingly, even before her film’s release, Sara is already a sensation amongst social media users and especially the paparazzi. In fact, post her appearance on ‘Koffee With Karan’ alongside her father Saif, netizens started hailing her as the volcano of the year. And we couldn’t agree more with them.
The shutterbugs are always on their toes as they don’t want to miss out any opportunity of capturing Sara. Pictures of Sara being spotted post her workout or coffee dates with friends are all over the internet. Social media users are already a huge fan of this ‘Beauty with brain’ newbie.
Now, Sara feels that whatever adulation she has been receiving is all because of the paparazzi and in order to express her gratitude towards them, Sara has sent a handwritten letter to these photographers and has asked them out for a coffee.
Appreciating Sara’s overtly sweet gesture, photographer Viral Bhayani shared her letter and thanked her by his following post.
Now, don’t you all think this is extremely sweet of Sara? We have never come across any such thing done by someone who is yet to make her debut. Looks like Sara is an extremely sensitive and lovely soul. We appreciate her simple yet so sweet gesture for the photographers who really face tough situations in their quest to capture the celebrities on daily basis.
And staying true to her words the young actress did take the photographers out for a coffee. You can check their pictures below:
Sara not just had coffee with them but also posed with them. With her endearing gesture, she really made these photographers’ day. Don’t you guys agree?
Sara’s debut film ‘Kedarnath will hit the silver screens on December 7 and within a few weeks, her second film ‘Simmba’ will hit the marquee. We wish this newbie all the very best for the new journey which she is soon set to embark upon.
Also Read: ‘Jaan Nisaar’ Song: Sushant and Sara starrer is all about romance and heartbreak
Cinephile. Bibliophile. Pluviophile. Selenophile. Autophile. Aesthete. Blood group- Tea positive. Poetry lover. Sucker of rom-coms.
PS: Sharmaji ki Ladki sucks at writing bios.
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