Legendary filmmaker Rakesh Roshan celebrated his birthday yesterday. The veteran filmmaker’s entire family came together for the joyous occasion. Hrithik Roshan was seen happily cheering for his father whereas also joining them was his ex-wife Sussanne Khan. Rakesh’s wife Pinkie and daughter Sunaina Roshan shared pictures and videos from the birthday bash on their social media handle.
Taking to her Instagram handle Pinkie Roshan shared a video alongside the caption, “#happybirthdayMrRoshan#wemakeit with love and memories(sic)” In the video, we can see the veteran director being flanked by his entire family. Hrithik and his two sons cheer for Rakesh as he cuts the birthday cake and also joining them is Sussanne Khan.
Hrithik’s sister Sunaina Roshan also shared a few glimpses from her father’s birthday celebration. “Celebrating dads birthday …..love you dad,” she captioned those pics.
It was a delight to watch the entire Roshan khandaan under one roof. Rakesh successfully battled cancer in 2018. Ever since then he has been an inspiration for everyone out there.
For the unversed, Hrithik’s ex-wife Sussanne decided to move-in with him during the pandemic for the sake of co-parenting their sons Hridhaan and Hrehaan together. “It is unimaginable for me, as a parent, to think of having to be separated from my children at a time when the country is practising lockdowns,” Hrithik had posted when the lockdown was imposed throughout the country in March.
Hrithik and Sussanne got divorced in 2014 but they continue to remain friends.
Also Read: On Teacher’s Day, Hrithik Roshan expresses gratitude towards all his teachers
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PS: Sharmaji ki Ladki sucks at writing bios.
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